Tag Archives: phone

Enable and change sandbox mode on Windows Phone 10

We had to test our Windows app Rocket Riot in sandbox mode to make sure in-app-purchases and such are working correctly, but on the internet it was impossible to find how to do this! So we mailed Microsoft and they helped us. First of all we had to update our phone to the latest version of Windows 10, so it's a new feature too!

Turn on Developer Mode and the Device Portal

First of all your phone needs to be in Developer Mode, and the Device Portal needs to be turned on. See this page for more info on that.

Set Device Portal to On

Set Device Portal to On

Log in to the Device Portal

Open a browser on your PC and go to the IP address displayed on the phone, in this case You will see a web page with several menu options, choose Xbox Live on the bottom. You can also open this page on your phone by opening the browser and going to or http://localhost/.

Enter your sandbox ID

Enter your sandbox ID

Set the Sandbox ID

Then press Change a thousand times (it gives me an error every time I do it), close some apps, and restart the phone. For some reason this was the only way to do it for me, clicking it once didn't work, and I had to restart the phone. After that the phone is in sandbox mode! Yay! If you want to turn off sandbox, set it to RETAIL.

Other stuff

You can also do other things in the Device Portal like

  1. Change settings
  2. Sideload apps by uploading them
  3. Kill running apps
  4. Browse files
  5. View processes
  6. View performance statistics
  7. ETW tracing
  8. Performance tracing
  9. View connected devices
  10. Connect to wifi networks and change wifi settings
  11. And of course change sandbox modes